
package Ticker1;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin';
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger qw(:DEFAULT log_message);

sub new {
    my ( $class, $mailsa ) = @_;

    $class = ref($class) || $class;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new($mailsa);
    bless $self, $class;

    ### register the eval rule

    ### store configuration on $conf
    my $conf = $self->{main}->{conf};
    my $ticker_conf = $conf->{Ticker1} ||= {};

    ### initialize list of symbols
    $ticker_conf->{symbols} = {};

    return $self;

my $stock_token_regex = qr{
        (?:\b|_)                            # word boundary, or _
        (?i:Inc|Corp(?:oration)?|Gr[0o]up)  # "inc" or something
        [.,]?                               # optional dot or comma
        \s*\n                               # match to end of line
        ^\s*(?i:Sym\w*\s*:\s*)?             # next line optional sym(bol):
        (                                   # start capture
                (?:[A-Z]\s{0,3}){3}             # match three letters, optional spaces
                [A-Z]                           # match last letter
        )                                   # end capture
        \s*$                                # match until end of line

sub parse_config {
    my ( $self, $opts ) = @_;

    my $key   = $opts->{key};
    my $value = $opts->{value};

    my $ticker_conf = $self->{main}->{conf}->{Ticker1};

    if ( $key eq "ticker_symbol" ) {
        ### ticker symbol can be list of words
        for my $w ( split ' ', $value ) {
            if ( $w !~ /^[A-Z]{4}$/ ) {
                log_message( "warn", "Ticker1: Invalid ticker symbol: $w" );
            dbg("Ticker1: Adding ticker symbol $w");
            $ticker_conf->{symbols}{$w} = 1;


sub check_stockspam {
    my ( $self, $per_msg_status, $body_ref ) = @_;

    my $ticker_conf = $self->{main}->{conf}->{Ticker1};
    my $symbol_ref  = $ticker_conf->{symbols};

    my $msg_text = join( '', @$body_ref );
    dbg("Ticker1: check_stockspam called");
    while ( my ($possible_symbol) = $msg_text =~ /$stock_token_regex/ ) {
        ### trim all non-letters
        $possible_symbol =~ tr/A-Za-z//cd;
        dbg("Ticker1: testing possible symbol: $possible_symbol");
        return 1 if exists $symbol_ref->{$possible_symbol};
    return 0;
