
package MailFilter::Anomy;

# postprocess html parts with Anomy::HTMLCleaner, if installed.
# based on:
# $Id: suggested-minimum-filter-for-windows-clients,v 1.81 2004/10/26 18:34:33 dfs Exp $

use strict;
use warnings;
use Mimedefang qw(:action message_rejected %Features);

# %PROCEDURE: filter
#  entity -- a Mime::Entity object (see MIME-tools documentation for details)
#  fname -- the suggested filename, taken from the MIME Content-Disposition:
#           header.  If no filename was suggested, then fname is ""
#  ext -- the file extension (everything from the last period in the name
#         to the end of the name, including the period.)
#  type -- the MIME type, taken from the Content-Type: header.
#  NOTE: There are two likely and one unlikely place for a filename to
#  appear in a MIME message:  In Content-Disposition: filename, in
#  Content-Type: name, and in Content-Description.  If you are paranoid,
#  you will use the re_match and re_match_ext functions, which return true
#  if ANY of these possibilities match.  re_match checks the whole name;
#  re_match_ext checks the extension.  See the sample filter below for usage.
#  Nothing
#  This function is called once for each part of a MIME message.
#  There are many action_*() routines which can decide the fate
#  of each part; see the mimedefang-filter man page.
sub filter ($$$$) {
    my($entity, $fname, $ext, $type) = @_;

    return if message_rejected(); # Avoid unnecessary work

    # Clean up HTML if Anomy::HTMLCleaner is installed.
    if ($Features{"HTMLCleaner"}) {
	if ($type eq "text/html") {
	    return anomy_clean_html($entity);

    return action_accept();

# DO NOT delete the next line, or Perl will complain.